
WMS is a member-driven organization, and its governance structure is designed to allow input from members through county component society representation or by a petition and referendum process. In addition, any WMS member is welcome to attend open Board meetings and may request that an issue be considered on the Board’s agenda.

The WMS Board of Trustees is the policy-making body of the organization. It is made up of representatives from sixteen county component societies, a seven-member Executive Committee, as well as PA, resident and student representatives.

The Board meets four times a year; the Executive Committee meets more frequently and can address policy issues between Board meetings. All Executive Committee actions must be approved by the full Board at the next regularly scheduled meeting.

The Executive Committee is made up of the President, Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer, Past President, AMA Delegate, AMA Alternate Delegate (Non-voting member) and an Open Trustee, who is a non-officer Board member on the Executive Committee.

The WMS Bylaws contain a provision to allow direct member input into the policy-making process. If a member feels that the Board has not adequately addressed an issue, or has taken a position with which the member disagrees, the member physician can initiate a petition process to bring the issue before a vote of the membership.

WMS’ Strategic Goals

Goal 1

Be The Voice of Medicine:

Utilize the powerful, effective & unified voice of WMS to improve the physician practice environment and quality of healthcare for Wyoming patients through advocacy

Goal 2

Provide a Premier Member Experience:

Grow membership and increase provider participation and involvement to ensure the future health of the organization

Goal 3

Improve the Physician Practice Environment and Increase Public Awareness:

Enhance the public image of WMS-members by strengthening physicians’ trusted leadership role in communities



Friends of Wyoming Medical Society