Each week the Wyoming Medical Society receives a number of webinar, CME, and other conference opportunities which we share with our members without endorsement. This week’s list includes:
The AMA Foundation’s Excellence in Medicine Awards program recognizes physicians who exemplify the highest values of volunteerism, leadership and dedication to underserved populations, and present inspirational physician stories to the medical community and public. Please consider nominating a physician you know that exemplifies these attributes. The awards include:
- The Jack B. McConnell, MD Award for Excellence in Volunteerism recognizes the work of a senior physician who provides volunteer treatment to patients in the U.S. who lack access to health care.
- The Pride in the Profession Award honors physicians who practice medicine in areas of crisis or devote their time to volunteerism and public service.
- The Dr. Debasish Mridha Spirit of Medicine Award recognizes the work of a U.S. physician who has demonstrated altruism and compassion while providing quality health care to marginalized populations.
- The Dr. Nathan Davis International Award in Medicine honors physicians whose influence reaches international patients for a positive impact on health care in the global arena.
Applications to nominate career and senior physicians are now available. The deadline for applications is February 10, 2017 at 5PM CST. Award recipients will be honored in conjunction with the AMA Annual Meeting in Chicago.
AAAP members and its affiliated societies, students, faculty, health professionals, clinicians and researchers are all encouraged to participate in the AAAP Annual Meeting and Scientific Symposium. Individuals who would like to submit a symposium proposal for the AAAP Annual Meeting and Scientific Symposium should submit a completed proposal form by 11:59 PM PT on Monday, March 27, 2017.
The Hemseley Charitable Trust released its 2017 Rural Healthcare Newsletter. In this issue they discuss Progress for personalized cancer centers in rural America, resources for telemedicine projects, and the latest from the RUPRI’s rural healthcare panel.
CMS’ MLN Connects newsletter for Feb. 2 includes posts on Clinical Laboratories: Prepare Now to Report Lab Data through March 31; Hospital Discharge Day Management Services; Teaching Hospitals Receiving FTE Resident Caps Due to Hospital Closures. The MLN Connects newsletter for Feb. 9 offers posts on easier to report lab data, Jan. 2017 OPPS Pricer file and, understanding and promoting the value of chronic care.
The Feb. edition of the UnitedHealthcare Network Bulletin includes posts on: UnitedHealthcare eligibilityLink App Replacing Other Online Options; The latest information on HEDIS; Coverage Determinations for Health Care Services, and more.
In January, the Hint Health team flew to Washington D.C. to campaign on behalf of the Primary Care Enhancement Act of 2017. This bill would allow patients to use Health Savings Accounts to pay for Direct Primary Care memberships. Here’s a full debrief of what they learned.
Webinars and Conferences
Providers Clinical Support for Opioid Therapies offers a webinar called Risk Factors for Management of Opioid Induced Respiratory Depression in the Hosptalized Patient with a Comorbid Pain and History of Addiction on Feb. 15 from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. he goal/purpose of this activity is to provide strategies for safe opioid use in the hospital and after patient discharge.
CMS offers a webinar on Thursday Feb. 9 from 10-11 a.m. on Advancing Care Coordination through Episode Payment Models (EPM’s). Join CMS as they discuss aspects of the Advancing Care Coordination through Episode Payment Models (EPMs) – Cardiac Incentive Payment Model and Changes to the Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement Model final rule. The final rule was displayed at the Federal Register on December 20, 2016 and is effective on February 18, 2017.
HITECH Answers also offers its Annual Cyber Security in Healthcare Panel Discussion with Four Industry Thought Leaders at noon on March 1.
On Feb. 16 at 1 p.m. HITECH Answers offers a webinar called Healthcare Cybersecurity Update: Ensuring HIPPA Compliance with Cloud Services.
Great Place To Work offers a webinar on five reasons better culture means better business. Join Great Place to Work’s Kim Peters, EVP, and Sarah Lewis-Kulin, VP for an insider view of why high-trust, high-performance workplace cultures are seeing real business results – and how you can get there too. The webinar is slated for Feb. 28 from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.
The Defense Centers of Excellence for Psychological Health and Traumatic Brain Injury (DCoE) provides the Military Health System with current and emerging psychological health and traumatic brain injury clinical and educational information. In support of these efforts, we will be hosting our free monthly webinar series this February 23, 2017 from 11 a.m.- 1:30 p.m. (ET).This month’s educational webinar is titled “Transforming Anger: Proven Strategies”. This webinar provides continuing education (CEs) for various medical professionals and will facilitate discussions on the newest medical research.