CHEYENNE – Wyoming Medicine took home honors as the state’s top publication and for publishing the top magazine story in the Wyoming Press Association’s Associates Contest Friday night in Cheyenne.

The Wyoming Press Association’s Association is the state’s membership organization for Wyoming newspapers. The Wyoming Press Association offers Associate membership to organization who also produce publications such as AARP, the University of Wyoming, WREN Magazine, Casper College, Rocky Mountain Power, and several state agencies.
Wyoming Medicine took home top honors in the Publications category with The University of Wyoming taking home second place for UWYO Magazine. The Wyoming Business Council won third place. Those judging the contest remarked the Wyoming Medicine had an appealing layout, great use of graphics and color and well-written stories.
One of those stories, Taking Care of a Dictator, the story of Cheyenne Pediatrician Joseph Horam, MD’s time as Saddam Hussein’s personal physician, was named the state’s top magazine article for 2016. The story was co-authored by Rob Monger, MD, and Tom Lacock of the Wyoming Medical Society. Among the judges comments on this story were, “a good read,” and “captivating from the first word to the last.”
The story beat out entries from Wyoming Game and Fish’s Wyoming Wildlife, and UWYO Magazine for first place.