Announcements from Wyoming Department of Health

The Wyoming Department of Health sent out a pair of announcements in the last two weeks that may offer changes to physician practices or processes of clinic. The first is a change in rules and procedures for Chapter 15 Time Sensitive Emergencies.

The new Chapter 15 rules went into effect on March 22 and discuss Assessment, Triage, Treatment and Transport of Time Sensitive Emergencies.

The second is a letter from the state’s Wyoming Medicaid Pharmacy Program Manager Cori Cooper Pharm. D. to physicians outlining the Department of Health’s efforts to more accurately identify 340B Covered Entities and their inclusion in the Wyoming Medicaid program. To read the entire letter, click here.

According to the letter, effective April 1, 2017, Wyoming Medicaid will require that 340B Covered Entities that wish to use products purchased under Section 340B of the Public Health Service Act for Wyoming Medicaid clients (carve in) must request, in writing, to do so. To expedite and standardize the process for requesting Medicaid client carve in, Wyoming Medicaid will require completion and return of the Wyoming Medicaid 340B Attestation form (

The goal of this requirement is to avoid duplicate discounts prohibited by federal statute. Please be aware that for CE’s that do not submit the attached form, Wyoming Medicaid will assume the CE is carving out (i.e. using regularly purchased drug stock for) Medicaid clients from the 340B program and, thus, will submit those claims to manufacturers for rebate.

Please direct all questions regarding this policy to Cori Cooper at