Noridian offers News and Update


Noridian’s Provider Outreach and Education Department would like to provide Associations with our latest news and updates. According to the CMS Internet-Only Manual Publication 100-09, Chapter 6, Section 20.2, Noridian looks to you to communicate the following items to your members. Currently, our top trending items are:

The MAC Satisfaction Indicator (MSI): Evaluate Our Services In 10 Minutes! The MAC Satisfaction Indicator (MSI) is the best way to share your opinions of our service directly to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). This survey should only take about 10 minutes of your time and helps us understand how we can better service you. MSI Questionnaire This link will take you to an external website.

Revalidation: Revalidations are due on the last day of the month (i.e.: June 30, 2016, July 31, 2016, and August 30, 2016). You are expected to submit your revalidation application by this date.  Generally, this due date will remain with you throughout subsequent revalidation cycles.
Due Dates are posted on – lists all currently enrolled providers/suppliers and their revalidation due date

Ask the Contractor Teleconference: ACTs are designed to open communication between the provider community and Noridian. These calls allow for timely identification of problems and information sharing in an informal and interactive atmosphere. There are toll-free phone numbers and no registration required.

You or your staff may submit a question prior to a scheduled ACT. Read and follow the form instructions and submit your inquiry at least five days prior to the ACT. Questions will be answered at the start of the call. A transcript will be available here.