The Wyoming Medical Society updates it members on various meetings, CME events, and legislative updates weekly during the Legislative session and bi-monthly when the Legislature is out-of-session. Below is an archive of membership information.
Cheyenne Regional Medical Center has provided continuing medical education via its Telehealth System for several years. Through cooperative agreements with weekly Grand Rounds from Children’s Hospital Colorado, the Billings Clinic CRMC is able to share their video conference offerings, with 1 hour of CME accreditation, at little to no cost. Children’s Hospital makes available their Neonatal Noon Conferences on Wednesday and Pediatric Grand Rounds on Friday at 12:00pm and 12:30pm respectively. Billings Clinic make available their Grand Rounds on Friday at 12:00pm. When available, Cheyenne Regional presents Grand Rounds on Thursday at 12:00pm. For more information, contact Kevin Smith at 307-633-7695 or
The American Academy of Family Practice Physicians released its monthly e-newsletter, which can be read here. Among the topics are Tips to Keep Work from Crowding Out a Personal Life and Improving Patient Care.
The American College of Physicians announced the launch of its new website, which has been years in the works. The new site is still actively under construction, and as a work in progress it will be evolving on a daily basis. In particular, we will be: Completing the indexing of the searches available throughout the site; tuning performance of the site (speed/stability of the site) and finalizing updates to various integrated applications, e.g., Member Directory, mentor and residency databases, etc. Launch date for the new site is Feb. 23.
The latest CMS MLN Connects Provider E-news issue offers information on telehealth services; an ambulance fee schedule Fact Sheet, and physician compare public reporting information sessions.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), Region VIII, invites you to “Save the Date” for our Quarterly Healthcare Stakeholder Call on March 8, 12:00-1:00PM Mountain Time. You will hear updates from: John Hannigan, Division of Financial Management and Fee for Service Operations (DFMFFSO); Associate Regional Administrator Dustin Allison, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Innovations (CMMI); and Presentation on Transforming Clinical Practices Initiative (TCPI) by Mark Levine, MD, Region VIII Chief Medical Officer. The final agenda with the webinar/call-in information will be forthcoming.
RTWelter, a healthcare firm in Denver, has released its newsletter. On Jan. 22, 2016, CMS issued a new application and sweeping changes to the Medicare Electronic Health Records (EHR) Incentive Program hardship exception application process. The changes are intended to temporarily ease the burden on providers seeking exemption from the 2017 Medicare meaningful use payment adjustments. RTWelter offers its suggestion for what this means here.
Webinars and Conferences
Providers’ Clinical Support System for Opioid Therapies (PCSS-O)hosts a webinar on Feb. 26 at 10 a.m. called Opioid Use in Acute and Chronic Headache Medicine. The webinar will identify alternative treatments for the chronic headache patient, when trying to avoid prescribing opioids and discuss how the use of opioid to treat other concurrent pain syndromes in a headache patient may hinder care.
Providers’ Clinical Support System for Opioid Therapies (PCSS-O) also offers a webinar called Easy to do Harm Reduction and Naloxone but Naltrexone is Another Cup of Tea at 10 a.m. on Feb. 24. Opioid overdose is a leading cause of death in the United States. Evidence is increasing that community availability of naloxone can reduce the risk of opioid related mortality. Clinicians should be aware of how they can integrate this into their practices.
HITECH Answers offers a complimentary webinar on Thursday, Feb. 1 from 11-1:30 p.m. called Cash Acceleration and Payment Posting. Join nationally recognized RCM expert Elizabeth Woodcock for a clear-eyed look at the process of cash management and payment posting-and learn how to optimize this process within your own organization.
HITECH’s webinar,The ABC’s of MIPS is scheduled for noon on Feb. 18. Learn how the Merit-Based Incentive Payment System will impact your reputation as well as your bottom line. Join HITECH Answers and SA Ignite on our continuing series on MIPS. MIPS starts January 2017, which means activities during the next 11 months are critical to being best prepared.
Other Opportunities
Doctors without Boarders offers a live recruitment webinar at 5 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 25. Human Resources Officers will discuss requirements and the recruitment process, a Doctors Without Borders aid worker will talk about life in the field, and participants will be able to ask questions. Click here to register.