Below is a listing of the bills the Wyoming Medical Society followed during the 2017 Legislative Session, as well as the action that was taken on them.
SF021 – Death Certificates: AN ACT relating to vital records; providing that an advanced practice registered nurse or physician assistant may complete the medical certification of a death certificate as specified; and providing for an effective date. Bill has been signed into Senate Enrolled Act 0066.
SF031 – Genetic Information Privacy: AN ACT relating to genetic information privacy; prohibiting the collection, retention and disclosure of genetic information without informed consent as specified; providing exceptions; providing for the retention and destruction of genetic information; providing criminal penalties; providing for a civil cause of action; and providing for an effective date. Bill passed the Senate and House as Senate Enrolled Act 0010
SF042 – Opioid Overdose Emergency Treatment: AN ACT relating to public health and safety; creating the Emergencyc Administration of Opiate Antagonist Act; providing for prescription and administration of an opiate antagonist drug as specified; granting immunity from criminal or civil liability for specified conduct; providing rulemaking authority; and providing for an effective date. Bill has been signed into Senate Enrolled Act 0050.
SF47- State institution revenue accounts: AN ACT relating to state institutions; providing for the deposit of monies and income received or collected by public institutions into accounts to be expended as specified; and providing for an effective date. Bill has been signed into Senate Enrolled Act 0025.
SF062 – telepharmacy amendments: AN ACT relating to the practice of pharmacy; amending provisions related to the practice of telepharmacy; and providing for an effective date.Bill has been signed into Senate Enrolled Act 0049.
SF063 – Department of Family Services – Statutory Amendments: AN ACT relating to the department of family services; amending statutes and programs related to the department of family services; amending registry requirements related to child and adult protection reports; abolishing the skills training center pilot program; making the operation of adult student financial aid programs contingent upon available funding; amending the low income home energy assistance program; amending eligibility verification processes related to public welfare benefits; updating obsolete references; repealing obsolete language; and providing for an effective date. Bill passed the Senate, and House, signed into Senate Enrolled Act 0043.
SF066 – Title 25 Payment Obligation – Federal Entites: AN ACT relating to the hospitalization of mentally ill persons; specifying the entities from whom payment for treatment shall be sought; and providing for an effective date. Bill passed the Senate, and House, signed into Senate Enrolled Act 0042.
SF067 – CHIP program amendments: AN ACT relating to the child health insurance program; amending program benefits. Bill passed the Senate, and House, signed into Senate Enrolled Act 0029.
SF069 – Small Employer Health Insurance Amendments: AN ACT relating to insurance; amending the small employer health reinsurance program; repealing unnecessary provisions; and providing for an effective date. Bill passed the Senate, and House, signed into Senate Enrolled Act 0028.
SF082 – CPR graduation requirement: AN ACT relating to education; requiring students to complete instruction on emergency medical treatment to graduate high school; requiring school districts to offer that instruction; requiring rulemaking; providing applicability; and providing for an effective date. Bill failed third reading in the Senate.
SF88 – Palliative Care: AN ACT relating to public health and safety; creating the advisory council on palliative care; providing definitions; providing for council membership; providing duties for the council; providing duties for the department of health or other entity as specified; requesting a report from the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network and other interested parties; providing a sunset date; and providing for an effective date. Bill has been signed into Senate Enrolled Act 0081.
SF99 Community and rural health clinic grants-sunset date – Community and rural health clinic grants-sunset date: AN ACT relating to community health centers and rural health clinics; amending the sunset date for provisions related to grants for capital construction and startup costs for community health centers and rural health clinics; and providing for an effective date. Bill has been signed into Senate Enrolled Act 0068.
SF105 – Uniform Power of Attorney Act: AN ACT relating to powers of attorney; creating the Uniform Power of Attorney Act; providing definitions; providing for applicability; requiring notice to agents or fiduciaries under powers of attorney as specified; repealing provisions related to durable powers of attorney; and providing for an effective date. Bill passed the Senate, and House, signed into Senate Enrolled Act 0041.
SF0111 Nurse Practice Act Revisions: AN ACT relating to the occupation of nursing; revising the Nurse Practice Act; specifying applicability to advanced practice registered nurses, registered nurses, licensed practical nurses or certified nursing assistants; conforming provisions; and providing for an effective date. Bill has been signed into Senate Enrolled Act 0077.
SF116 – Medicaid Expansion Authorization: AN ACT relating to Medicaid; requiring collaboration concerning the expansion of Medicaid eligibility; authorizing the expansion of Medicaid eligibility as specified; requiring reports and notice as specified; and providing for an effective date. Bill died.
SF121 – Wyoming Pharmacy Act Amendments: AN ACT relating to the Wyoming Pharmacy Act; modifying grounds for suspension and revocation of pharmacy licenses; modifying responsibilities of the secretary of the state board of pharmacy; modifying provisions related to examination and reexamination; modifying mailing requirements for license renewal notices and examination notices; removing authorization for the board to credit continuing education units to another year; modifying drug substitution procedures; authorizing pharmacists to dispense biosimilars as specified; modifying definitions; removing obsolete language; repealing provisions related to pharmacist pedigree documents; and providing for an effective date. Bill has been signed into Senate Enrolled Act 0082.
SF143 – Child Health Insurance Program Management: AN ACT relating to health insurance; providing for the administration of the child health insurance program by the department of family services; providing for the transfer of positions, property, personnel and funds associated with the program to the department of family services; and providing for an effective date. Bill has died.
House Bills
HB007 – Credit for Reinsurance: AN ACT relating to insurance; revising reinsurer requirements; establishing procedures relating to reinsurer suspension and revocation; mandating reinsurers manage reinsurance recoverables and programs as specified; creating notification requirements under specified conditions; specifying the insurance commissioner’s rulemaking authority applicable to reinsurance arrangements; and providing for an effective date. Bill passed the House and Senate and Signed into House Enrolled Act 0021.
HB014 – Insurance Code – amendments: AN ACT relating to insurance; requiring registration of third party administrators and providing associated rulemaking authority; establishing a fee for third party administrators; amending licensing provisions; amending insurance producer continuing education requirements; repealing obsolete language; and providing for an effective date. Bill has passed the House and the Senate and Signed into House Enrolled Act 0015.
HB017: Adult Protective Orders – Time Limit Extension: AN ACT relating to adult protective services; extending the permissible period for emergency services; and providing for an effective date. Bill has passed the House and Senate and assigned House Enrolled Act 0002.
HB062 – Immunity for Drug Overdose Reporting: AN ACT relating to controlled substances; providing immunity from prosecution of specified offenses under the Wyoming Controlled Substance Act of 1971 to persons who report or experience an emergency drug overdose event as specified; providing applicability; and providing for an effective date. Passed the House and failed upon third reading in the Senate.
HB070 – Occupational Safety and Health Administration Actions: AN ACT relating to the administration of government; recognizing limitations on the regulatory authority of the occupational safety and health administration; providing legislative findings in relation to those limitations; specifying the policy of the state in regard to actions of the occupational safety and health administration; authorizing intervention by the attorney general to protect the interests of the state as specified; and providing for an effective date. Bill has passed the House and Senate and Signed into HEA 0036.
HB072 – Volunteer Heath Care: AN ACT relating to public health and safety; authorizing the department of health to contract for volunteer health care services; providing immunity to medical professionals and health care providers who provide volunteer health are under contract as agents of the state; authorizing licensing boards to provide continuing education credit as specified; amending definitions under the Wyoming Governmental Claims Act; and providing for an effective date. Bill has failed.
HB073 – Interference with a Person Providing Emergency Services: AN ACT relating to crimes and offenses; establishing the crime of interference with a person providing emergency services; providing penalties; and providing for an effective date. Bill has passed the House and died for lack of introduction in the Senate.
HB081 – Hemp Extract Amendments: AN ACT relating to public health; providing for administration of hemp extract by a parent to an adult dependent; authorizing hemp extract for treatment of an adult as determined by a physician; and providing for an effective date. Bill has died.
HB0107 – Chirporactic Physicians: AN ACT relating to chiropractic practice; providing for use of the title chiropractic physician; and providing for an effective date. Bill has died.
HB112 – EMS Interstate Compact: AN ACT relating to emergency medical service licensure; adopting the recognition of emergency medical services personnel licensure interstate compact; allowing EMS personnel in one compact state to exercise practice privileges in other member states; approving and specifying terms of the compact; making conforming amendments; and providing for an effective date. Bill passed the House and and Senate and has been signed into House Enrolled Act 0030.
HB116 – Abortion Amendments: AN ACT relating to abortions; amending the definition of “viability” to include the ability to feel pain; prohibiting the sale or transfer of any aborted child or cells or tissue from an aborted child for experimentation; and providing for an effective date. Bill has been signed into House Enrolled Act 0094.
HB122 – Death with Dignity: AN ACT relating to public health and safety; allowing an attending health care provider to prescribe medication that will end a terminally ill patient’s life; providing qualifications; providing requirements to health care providers; providing a procedure to request medication; providing reporting requirements; authorizing rulemaking; providing immunity for persons in compliance with the act as specified; providing penalties; specifying applicability; providing definitions; and providing for an effective date. Bill has died.
HB132 – Abortion Reporting. AN ACT relating to abortions; establishing additional requirements for abortion reporting; providing for a public report of abortion statistics; providing penalties for failure to report as required; specifying acts not meeting reporting requirements are acts of unprofessional conduct; and providing for an effective date. Bill has died.
HB148 – Tobacco Cessation and treatment programs: AN ACT relating to public health and safety; requiring the department of health to develop and implement statewide tobacco prevention, cessation and treatment programs and provide materials as specified; and providing for an effective date. Bill died in committee.
HB151 – Cigarette Tax: AN ACT relating to the taxation and revenue; increasing the cigarette tax rate; amending distribution of the cigarette tax; clarifying distribution of license fees; repealing related provisions; and providing for an effective date. Bill has died.
HB156- Involuntary commitment-emergency detention amendments: AN ACT relating to involuntary commitment; amending provisions related to emergency detentions; and providing for an effective date. Bill has passed the House and Senate.
HB164 – Professional licensing boards – telemedicine/telehealth: AN ACT relating to professions and occupations; allowing licensure boards to promulgate rules related to telemedicine/telehealth as specified; and providing for an effective date. Bill has been signed into HEA 0053.
HB165 – Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Practice Act: AN ACT relating to professions and occupations; creating the Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Practice Act; establishing the board of acupuncture and oriental medicine; regulating the practice of acupuncture and oriental medicine in this state; providing rulemaking authority; providing penalties; establishing an account; providing an appropriation; and providing for an effective date. Bill has been signed into House Enrolled Act 0083.
HB168 – Tobacco Tax: AN ACT relating to taxation of tobacco; providing for an increase in tobacco taxes as specified; providing for distribution of the taxes as specified; and providing for an effective date. Bill has died.
HB170 – Health Care Facility Licensure Fees: AN ACT relating to health care facilities; amending provisions related to health care facility licensure fees; and providing for an effective date. Bill has died.
HB182 – Abortion–ultrasound information: AN ACT relating to public health and safety; requiring physicians to provide patients with specified information before certain nonemergency abortion procedures; providing and amending definitions; and providing for an effective date. Bill has been signed into House Enrolled Act 0090.
HB184 Involuntary Commitment – Appointment of Gatekeepers: AN ACT relating to involuntary commitment; amending provisions related to the designation of gatekeepers; and providing for an effective date. Bill has died.
HB185 – Safety Restraints – violations: AN ACT relating to safety belt usage; repealing the prohibition on halting a motor vehicle solely for a safety belt violation; and providing for an effective date. Bill has died.
HB197 – Marihuana and THC products policy reform act: AN ACT relating to controlled substances; providing penalties for possession of marihuana in plant form and tetrahydrocannabinol products in specified amounts; creating an elevated misdemeanor offense for possession of such products as specified; making a conforming amendment; and providing for an effective date. Bill has passed the House and Senate and been sent to the Judicial Conference Committee.
HB215 Drug-induced infant endangerment: AN ACT relating to crimes and offenses; creating the crimes of drug induced infant homicide and drug induced infant abuse; amending definition of abuse for provisions related to child protective services as specified; providing enhanced penalties in cases where a person delivers controlled substances to a pregnant woman; providing for presumptions and affirmative defenses; providing penalties; and providing for an effective date. Bill has died.
HB230 – Hemp farming: AN ACT relating to food and drugs; authorizing industrial hemp farming as specified; providing for hemp farming for research purposes; providing licensure requirements; providing rulemaking authority; providing an affirmative defense for marihuana prosecutions as specified; and providing for an effective date. Bill has been signed into House Enrolled Act 0116.
HB232 – Drugs and substance control: AN ACT relating to controlled substances; prohibiting the attorney general from adding, deleting or rescheduling controlled substances by emergency rule; and providing for an effective date. Bill has died.
HB241- Background checks – interstate compacts: AN ACT relating to criminal history records; authorizing licensure boards to obtain criminal background checks for health care professionals licensed pursuant to an interstate compact entered into by the state of Wyoming; and providing for an effective date. Bill has been signed into House Enrolled Act 0092.
HB243 – School finance – capital construction funding: AN ACT relating to school finance; implementing a sales tax on specified services; providing for distribution of revenue from the tax to the school capital construction account; and providing for an effective date. Bill has died.
HB247: Medical Marihuana Reciprocity: AN ACT relating to possession of marihuana; providing that possession of marihuana pursuant to a medical marihuana card or prescription issued in another state is lawful as specified; and providing for an effective date. Bill introduced and referred to Judiciary. Bill has died.
HB250 Public Health Statutory Amendments: AN ACT relating to public health; amending enforcement and penalties for violation of public health laws; amending a felony offense related to sale of organs or body parts; amending requirements for obtaining blood samples from pregnant women; amending abortion reporting; creating a criminal offense for false reporting on an abortion form; repealing penalties; conforming provisions; and providing for an effective date. Bill has died.
HB265: Plant derived medication: AN ACT relating to public health; allowing supervised use of plant derived pain medication as specified; providing an exemption from prosecution for possession or use of plant derived pain medication; authorizing a fee for registration; and providing for an effective date. Bill died in committee.
HB0268: Access to naloxone: AN ACT relating to food and drugs; providing for sales of naloxone as specified; and providing for an effective date. Bill has died.
HB0291: Department of Health Facilities: AN ACT relating to department of health facilities; providing authorization for construction and renovation at the Wyoming state hospital and Wyoming life resource center; providing an appropriation for the construction and renovation at the Wyoming state hospital and Wyoming life resource center; providing a contingent appropriation with authority for an interfund loan for the construction and renovation at the Wyoming state hospital and Wyoming life resource center; reappropriating funds related to the level III design study for the Wyoming state hospital and Wyoming life resource center; continuing the task force on department of health facilities; specifying duties of the task force; repealing prior law related to the task force; providing an appropriation for the task force; and providing for an effective date. Bill has passed the House and Senate and Signed into HEA 0038.
HJ008 – Federal responsibility for American Indian health care: A JOINT RESOLUTION requesting Congress to uphold the federal trust responsibility to provide for the health care needs of American Indians. Bill has passed the House and Senate and has been signed into HEJR0001.