The University of Utah and the Huntsman Cancer Institute in Salt Lake City are asking Wyoming Pediatric Clinics for letters of support as they seek a grant from the National Cancer Institute to improve HPV vaccination rates in the Intermountain West. Funds from the grant would go towards refining and implementing a multi-level intervention to improve HPV vaccination, which was shown to work in Appalachia, Ohio. For more information on the proposed program, click here.
Deanna Kepka, PhD is the Team Leader for the Health Disparities and Cancer Prevention Initiative Group in Cancer Control and Population Sciences at The Huntsman Cancer Institute in Salt Lake City. She is also the Director and Founder of the Intermountain West HPV Vaccination Coalition, which includes more than 300 members from 10 Intermountain West states who are working together to meet the Healthy People 2020 goal of 80 percent vaccination coverage among girls and boys in the Intermountain West. The Wyoming chapter of the AAP is participating in her program.
Please send letters of support to Kepka at: Click here to see a letter that can be placed on your clinic’s letterhead and sent to Kepka by Wednesday, May 24.